How can I protect my mental health in this pandemic?

Stay in the know, but don’t obsess! It’s important to remain informed, but obsessing over every post about the virus might do more harm than good, especially to your mental health. According to  Northwestern University Psychologist Stewart Shankman, “There’s [...]

2022-09-14T16:37:48+00:00September 14, 2022||

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19, more commonly known as Coronavirus disease 2019, is a new strand of a common virus that is infecting people across the globe. Related to the Severe Acute Respiratory Virus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), this strand [...]

2022-09-14T16:32:46+00:00September 14, 2022||
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